I saw this article on msn and I definitely wanted to share it with you. If you are already a mommy, you’ll agree on how true these statements are. When people try to give you some advice, you’ll come across the usual “you’ll have to change a million diapers,” “be prepared for sleepless nights,” “you’ll always be late” stories. These are a few details some people tend to leave out…
You will treasure every second you get to yourself
I never thought this would be so true. If he naps for 8 more minutes, I might get a quick shower, or watching the Mickey Mouse club for an extra 30 sec. gives me enough time to run to the bathroom…
Going to the bathroom by yourself becomes a privilege
If you are a stay-at-home mom and have no one else with you, you may know exactly how this feels. Your bladder is about to burst and your precious baby just wants to be held…what do you do? Take a little trip together to the bathroom! I have gotten pretty good at doing things with one hand!
At times, you’ll feel like a failure
When you become a parent, your expectations skyrocket. That’s because you want to make sure you are making the right decisions for your baby’s wellbeing. When it doesn’t happen, you’ll feel miserable…I spent a lot of sleepless nights just wondering what I had done wrong when my boy couldn’t sleep through the night. Even though I had tried all the options we thought possible, I still felt like a failure at times. As parents, you’ll have these moments.
You see the world differentlyYour priorities now that you are parent will take a 180ยบ turn. You will try to relate everything to your own family or kids. Things like watching a movie or the news may take on a different meaning. You now project yourself with your children. I get so emotional now when I read about children suffering or even auto insurance ads. I wouldn’t want any of my children to suffer.
Daddies will turn a little softAll of the sudden, daddy’s favorite artists changed from “Flo-Rida” to “Imagination movers” and “patty cakes” becomes the number 1 hit in the house! Daddies will soften up even more if they have a little girl.
You will worry over anything!
No matter what your kids do, or don’t do, you will always worry. Your mind will always wonder “is he breathing in his crib?” “is the car seat attached correctly?” “am I holding him right?” “do we have enough to help him through college?” All of these new worries are common in new parents. I lost count of the number of times we took my son to the doctor for every little thing, just because we always worried!
They will get sick!
Kids get sick very often, and if you think about it, how wouldn’t they when they put EVERYTHING in their mouths!! It’s amazing how another kid’s sippy cup can be so tasty!
You’ll be embarrassed…a lot!Even if you have a little angel, you’ll find an occasion where you just want to hide! Temper tantrums at Walmart? Being there! Chasing the kid all over isle 4? Done that! As babies try to figure out the world around them, they just want to explore and oh my...they get so upset when you stop them from that.
The gift of unconditional love
From their first smile, to when they call you mommy, your kids will melt your heart. Your love for them will be like anything you’ve experienced.
You won’t be the parent you had imagined
We always envision being a certain type of parent and always trying to do better than our own, but the story changes once you actually have them! Never say “never” when it comes to how you’ll be raising your kids. You never know!!
Regardless of what people tell you or don’t tell you, you are always going to try as hard as you can to be the best parent you can be. For a child, the love and support of their parents is their main nourishment.
Happy parenting!